Man places affirmational messages next to wall mural that says "We Can Make a Difference"

"Capacity for Equity" Grant Opportunities

Philanthropy is unique in its ability to be responsive to need and deploy resources quickly. For several years, the Capacity for Change/Equity Fund has increased the Foundation’s ability to be nimble and responsive through small, staff-approved grants deployed for time-sensitive needs.

The two most time-sensitive needs now are:

  • Continue to support new and existing partners to be part of an equity agenda. Through Capacity for Equity, WRF partners will demonstrate more impactful programming, stronger communications plans, effective leadership, increased operational efficiency, innovative approaches to community strategy, and equity-informed agendas.
  • Help partners advocate effectively for ALICE.
    CFE will provide intentional support to the Advocacy for ALICE coalition partners to innovate and meet the evolving demands of policy advocacy in Arkansas. Advocacy for ALICE is a diverse set of Arkansas-based advocacy organizations, convened by WRF to coordinate policy development, policymaker education, and the inclusion of ALICE voice in state policy.


Capacity for Equity grants will:

  • Strengthen organizations that are supportive of AR Equity 2025
  • Build more strategically aligned partners
  • Build relationships between WRF and new partners
  • Support the creation of new nonprofits
  • Pilot innovative strategies and test digital advocacy models in the Arkansas advocacy community to respond to immediate and long-term challenges


This investment will strengthen the ability of nonprofits aligned with AR Equity 2025 to relentlessly pursue equity. It will also support advocacy organizations to pilot innovative strategies to advance policies in support of ALICE families.